The Producers Review Board (PRB) has proposed several significant amendments to the Quota Implementation Plan (QIP), which will now be decided by industry vote. Key proposed changes include:

  • Quota Differential: Reduction from $1.70/cwt to $1.00/cwt.
  • Regional Quota Adjusters: Elimination.
  • Hardship Definition: Revised to include challenges beyond producers’ control, such as natural disasters and disease control programs.
  • Producer Definition: Clarification to explicitly include members of cooperative associations.

The Department has classified these as substantive amendments, warranting a formal referendum process similar to the initial implementation of the QIP.

Upcoming Industry Meetings

A series of informational meetings will be held across the state starting in July, with ballots expected to be mailed in late August. Further details will be sent to all dairymen soon. 

For questions or updates on dairy ownership, contact the Quota Administration Program at [email protected] or (916) 900-5012, including your producer number and dairy name.

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