The Producer Review Board (PRB) convened on May 1st in Tulare for a pivotal in-person meeting attended by 14 board members. Notably, the board advanced a proposal to the Secretary aimed at reducing quota payments, among other measures. This proposal, led by board member Frank Konyn, underwent intense scrutiny and discussion, ultimately resulting in a motion to move it forward as is, despite initial suggestions to delay action until the next PRB meeting. The proposal encompasses significant changes to the Quota Implementation Plan (QIP), including adjustments to payment rates and the redefinition of “hardship” criteria, sparking deliberations on its potential implications for the dairy industry.

The meeting also addressed updates from the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), including insights into the QIP fund condition, staffing updates, and the current status of High Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI). Furthermore, discussions ensued regarding the possibility of a referendum on the proposal, with CDFA emphasizing the importance of ensuring accurate dairy industry representation in the voting process. Additionally, the meeting considered hardship requests, resulting in decisions to deny 10 requests and refine the language surrounding future considerations. Although a motion to change the voting threshold on future referendums was introduced, it was deferred for future discussion due to procedural constraints. With these key decisions made, the meeting adjourned, marking a significant milestone in shaping California’s dairy landscape.

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