In a recent podcast episode, Allison Tristao, the Community Field representative with Western United Dairies, hosted Anja Raudabaugh, the CEO of Western United Dairies, to provide insights and updates about the upcoming release of the LandFlex portal.

  1. Land Flex Portal Opening Date: The LandFlex portal is scheduled to open on April 18th and will remain accessible for two weeks until May 4th. Anja mentioned the possibility of extending the portal’s availability if necessary to accommodate all applications.
  2. Updates to the Portal: Anja highlighted the importance of visiting the LandFlex website for a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) to address common queries. Despite current favorable water conditions, preparations for potential drought scenarios remain crucial. The state is committed to ensuring the protection of drinking water supplies and supporting LandFlex objectives.
  3. Impact on Water Usage: Anja addressed common concerns regarding the effects of LandFlex on various water-related activities such as recharge, surface water application, and purchasing tiered water. She clarified that LandFlex purchases will apply to the 2023 water year and emphasized the importance of understanding the program’s long-term implications.
  4. GSA Criteria and Modifications: Each Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) has the autonomy to establish specific criteria for evaluating LandFlex applications. These criteria may include considerations like proximity to wells and underserved communities, reflecting the unique needs of each region.
  5. Perpetuity Component: Anja acknowledged concerns regarding the perpetuity component of LandFlex and emphasized the need for growers to carefully evaluate whether the program aligns with their long-term goals. While LandFlex offers financial support for transitioning to sustainable practices, it may not be suitable for every farmer.
  6. Optional Water Sale: Growers who have accumulated unused overdraft allocations may have the opportunity to sell this water under LandFlex. Anja explained that this transaction requires careful consideration and collaboration between the grower and the GSA.
  7. Compatibility with Other Programs: Farmers enrolled in LandFlex are not precluded from participating in other agricultural programs, such as USDA initiatives for equipment or habitat repurposing. This flexibility aims to maximize benefits for farmers while advancing conservation efforts.
  8. Accessing Information: Anja encouraged individuals to explore the LandFlex website for comprehensive information and FAQs. Additionally, technical service providers, including Western United Dairies and other organizations, are available to offer assistance and guidance.

In conclusion, LandFlex presents an opportunity for farmers to navigate the challenges of water management and sustainability. By understanding the program’s objectives, implications, and available resources, growers can make informed decisions to support their agricultural operations and contribute to long-term environmental stewardship.

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